Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New birth

Welcome to The Inside Scoop a.k.a TIS where i will be sharing my views and what i think about people, events and circumstances of life.

So we are so close to the dawn of the new year 2010 and i strongly belive that its a year of tremendous abundance in every sphere of life and its a year of phenomenal increase in wealth and abundant blessing whether you are a believer or not.

The word wealth and health share the same root which is the word 'well being'. When i mention the word wealth most people rush to think of money, but the word wealth refers to things far greater than money, hence we come to what i refer to as Harmonic wealth. This is wealth in your five key areas of life, that is, wealth in the following areas:
1. relationships
2. intellect
3. body (deals with issues of health and general well being)
4. finances
5. spirit (spiritual enrichment because it is key to living an abundant life and a life of fullfilment)

Onthe next post we will look at these areas and how we can embrace them to allow us to be the best we can be and be filled with purpose and abundance. Have a nice time, mean while increase and let the wealth flow through you.

